Fast (False) Facts About Russell

Posted on October 10, 2013. Filed under: Is it true what they say? | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

This is in repsonse to a post on “ReligionFacts” alleged to be “Just the facts on religion”, and another post on The Extinguisher site.

I am not with the JWs, nor do I defend such an organization. While the authors are targeting Jehovah’s Witnesses, neither distinguish what Russell taught from what the Jehovah’s Witnesses teach.

The false “fact” is claimed made that Charles Taze Russell was the founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1879.

(1) Charles Taze Russell was not the founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Russell did not believe in, and he preached against, the kind of authoritarian organization such Rutherford created after Russell died. Russell did begin printing his magazine, “Zion’s Watch Tower”, later “The Watch Tower”, in 1879. He was not the founder, however, of any religion.
Russell Was Not the Founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses

The false “fact” is presented that Russell believed that Christ was to return in 1914.

(2) Russell did not believe that Christ was to return in 1914; in 1876, Russell concluded that Christ had returned in 1874, and Russell died in 1916 still holding to the belief that Christ had returned in 1874. From 1904 onward, Russell was expecting the time of trouble to begin in 1914; he died in 1916 still holding to the belief that the time of trouble had begun in 1914. Russell was never expecting the JW kind of Armageddon in 1914, as he believed that Armageddon is a period of time in which the people of the nations are chastised, not eternally destroyed as Rutherford taught.

Russell archive on 1874
Russell archive on 1914

(3) Russell’s effort was to harmonize the entire Bible, without adding the traditions of men.

(4) Russell did believe that “hellfire” is a mistranslation of Gehenna. Russell did, however, believe in the Biblical hell: sheol, hades.

See my:
Russell archive on hell

(5) Russell never taught anyone to reject blood transfusions.
See my study:
Blood Transfusions and the Bible

(6) Russell never rejected the symbol of the cross, the celebration of birthdays, holidays, etc.

(7) The Bible itself condemns fornication, adultery, homosexuality, bestiality and incest.

(8) The trinity dogma would, if it were true, negate the Biblical basis of the ransom sacrifice of Jesus.
See my studies:
Jesus and His God
The Atonement

(9) The Bible itself fortells the coming “theocratic” govenment.

See my website on Charles Taze Russell

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2 Responses to “Fast (False) Facts About Russell”

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[…] Fast (False) Facts About Russell – Thu, 10 Oct 2013 A reponse to some allged “facts” about Charles Taze Russell. […]



Precisely; the argument that Russell was a Freemason is indeed totally based on what is imagined (perceived) by those who are promoting such a ridiculus idea. There is in reality nothng at all factual ever presented that establishes Russell as having been a Freemason.

On the other hand, we do have tens of thousands of pages of Russell’s own works that ovewhelmingly testify that Russell did not believe in the goals of the Freemason, nor of any other such “secret organization” of men.

As far as the study of the Great Pyramid, the Edgar’s have presented an abundance of facts that demonstrate that the Great Pyramid is indeed God’s Witness in Egypt.


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